Community Theater

Community Theater is at the heart of the White River Valley Players. Our Mission states that our goal is to create community through theater. We’ve found there’s great satisfaction in being part of the family that forms as each production progresses from its first rehearsal to the final performance.

While our actors and production staff are mainly amateurs, we’re able to augment our staff with professional directors and musicians for some larger productions, such as our musicals. Cast and staff members hail from our valley as well as from towns within an hour’s drive of WRVP’s  home base in Rochester, Vermont. We strive to produce theater that rivals regional theater, but the experience of the participants always comes first. We believe that kind of caring is evident in the final product.

We hope that you might consider being a part of one of our productions. We ask for no previous theater credentials, only a willingness to learn, to commit your time and talents, and to be part of a caring team.