Get Involved
Ways to Participate
Help with a Show!
We are always looking for new members who can bring a fresh perspective and a helping hand to join our theater family. If you love theater and enjoy the warmth of a creative group, contact us. If you’ve always wanted to be on stage or to help backstage, contact us. If you think you’d like to try something you’ve never tried before—well, contact us.
We always need people with skills and enthusiasm to be producers, actors, dancers, and directors to help with costuming, publicity, building sets, collecting props, managing the house, and helping with make-up for all shows. Even if you’ve never been part of a theater group before, if you are willing to take a chance on us, we’ll make a place for you. Contact us to participate.
Become a Member
You can join the White River Valley Players for as little as $10 a year as a “friend.” Of course, if you send more, you can learn the secret handshake, get a unique decoder pinkie ring, and a shiny new Player’s badge.
Actually, you don’t get any of those things. But you will be satisfied knowing you helped the Players “be all we can be,” whether this means painting, building sets, acting on stage, being a “techie,” or driving for pizza and coffee for those people painting and building sets. Whatever your talents, we can use them! If you think you have no talent, we can teach you. If you have no money, you might take out a small business loan. But not from us! Our business is making the best community theater in Vermont happen right here on the stage in Rochester, along with the fun and satisfaction that goes with it.
Contact us for membership information. We will thank you, and so will our audience!
Board Meetings
Board meetings are generally held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at one of the board members' homes. If you want to be an observer (and learn more about what we do), contact us for location and directions.
We appreciate the support we get from our local community and businesses. Without them, theater in our valley wouldn’t be possible. Please consider becoming a proud sponsor of WRVP and help make the magic of live theater in Rochester and beyond a reality. Contact us about sponsorship opportunities today!